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Why is the color of all squares of a charuco board black? (Version 3.1)


I created a charuco board with the example application from the aruco module (create_board_charuco.cpp). I am suprised that the result is a board where all squares are black. In the las verion I used I got a board with black and white squares. Why has it changed? Is it better or just a mistake?

My generated board: C:\fakepath\board.jpg

What I expected: C:\fakepath\charucoboard.jpg

Why is the color of all squares of a charuco board black? (Version 3.1)


I created a charuco board with the example application from the aruco module (create_board_charuco.cpp). I am suprised that the result is a board where all squares are black. In the las verion I used used, I got a board with black and white squares. Why has it changed? Is it better or just a mistake?

My generated board: C:\fakepath\board.jpg

What I expected: C:\fakepath\charucoboard.jpg