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How do I convince Visual Studio to go through OpenCV source files while debugging?

Steps I've taken:

  1. Built OpenCV from source, so that I have the *d.pdb and *d.dll in the same folder (C:\OpenCV\bin)
  2. Added C:\OpenCV\bin to Tools -> Options -> Debugging -> Symbols. Note: I never got to see that it loads any pdb from this folder, but it doas load the pdbs from Microsoft's server.
  3. Added C:\OpenCV\bin to the system PATH variable, so that the executable has the libraries available at run time
  4. Added C:\OpenCV\modules to Solution's Property Pages -> Common Properties -> Debug Source Files (it looks like this would do the trick, but it doesn't)
  5. Added C:\OpenCV\install\include to Project's Property Page -> Configuration Properties -> C/C++ -> General -> Additional include directories, so that I can include OpenCV's header files, for this I had to also build the install project, which was not selected by default.
  6. Added C:\OpenCV\lib\Debug to Project's Property Page -> Configuration Properties -> Linker -> General -> Additional library directories, so that it knows where to look for .lib files
  7. Added all *d.lib files from C:\OpenCV\lib\Debug (where there are also some .pdb, by the way) to Project's Property Page -> Configuration Properties -> Linker -> Additional Dependencies, because otherwise apparently it doesn't know that I'd like to use everything in the folder I just specified previously.

Everything was done under Debug configuration.

The result is that I can build, I can debug, but if I step into some function, it gets me to the header file, instead of the source file, which is not very useful.

Does anyone know what did I miss to set up so I could go through OpenCV source files when I'm debugging my own project?

I run Visual Studio 2015 Community edition on Windows 10 if it has any importance...