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OpenCV 3 - BlobTrackerAuto equivalent?

In OpenCV, is there still available a set of functions or an object to track blobs from one frame to the next in a video file (or from a webcam stream)? I'm looking for something similar to BlobTrackerAuto from OpenCV 1.x. It seems this was moved to the legacy directories in late OpenCV 2.x and has been removed from OpenCV 3.x entirely.

To clarify, I'm looking for something that assigns an ID number (or similar) to each blob and then tracks each blob from one frame to the next, and provides a data structure (list or vector or similar) that can be iterated through and the ID checked.

All the functionality in OpenCV 3.x seems to either return an image with blobs, or tracks keypoints from one frame to the next. I'm looking for something that tracks blobs, not the keypoints on the edges of the blobs.

I am aware I could do some sort of special OpenCV 3 compile to include the legacy code, but I'm not interested in going backwards in terms of OpenCV code/versions.

Yes, I realize I could code this functionality myself without too much difficulty, but before I go ahead with this I figured I would ask here in the event that somebody has more information on this topic.

So here are my questions at this point:

-In OpenCV 3.x, is there an equivalent to BlobTrackerAuto or similar?

-Does anybody know if the OpenCV organization has plans to re-include similar functionality in a future OpenCV release?

-Is there any official word or post somewhere from the OpenCV organization on the decision to remove BlobTrackerAuto in OpenCV 3.x without providing an updated equivalent? This seems to be a strange decision