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OpenCV 3.0.0 - process new frame callback

Hi, I am trying to implement an algorithm which requires processing a new frame as soon as it is available from the camera. The polling method cannot be used because a lot of serial commands are to be sent after processing. Rather I want to use some interrupt based method which notifies me as a new frame becomes available. I've heard that Callback function based implementation was present in OpenCV beta 5 release which would be called automatically on the arrival of a new frame and then I could implement the processing algorithm in that callback, but I can't find it in the 3.0.0. Is anything of such sort available in 3.0.0?

I have searched for the problem and found this link:link but it is fairly old.

So my question is whether such callback functionality is available in 3.0.0 or should I use some other method like multi threading?

I am sorry if I can't explain it very well. I am fairly new to openCV. Please feel free to ask if any additional information is required.
