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initial version is 32-bit instead of 64-bit in android eclipse issue


This is the error that I've got after I trying to load the library in loadLibrary function inside AsyncServiceHelper class.

*My application work in android devices that run version bellow lollipop. *The OCV Face Detection run fine so I know that this is something in my app.

I already look over websites but nothing found to work.

Do anyone face with this error? is 32-bit instead of 64-bit in android eclipse issue


This is the error that I've got after I trying to load the library in loadLibrary function inside AsyncServiceHelper class.

*My application work in android devices that run version bellow lollipop. *The OCV Face Detection run fine so I know that this is something in my app.

I already look over websites but nothing found to work.

Do anyone face with this error?