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Linker errors when building in VS2013

I'm trying to do the sample code from the windows tutorial here:

I did the easy download of OpenCV, which I believe gave me staticlibs instead of DLLs. So, I followed the Visual studio setup as described, but had to point the linker to the statilib dir instead of lib dir to get the lib files.

Now when I build, I get a bunch of these errors:

LNK2038: mismatch detected for 'RuntimeLibrary': value 'MTd_StaticDebug' doesn't match value 'MDd_DynamicDebug' in Source.obj c:\Users\emwakefi\documents\visual studio 2013\Projects\Example 1\Example 1\opencv_core300d.lib(alloc.obj) Example 1

I'm sure that using the static libs is conflicting with some setting, but I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. Help?