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How to store the output "point2f point[0]" for future use in lkdemo file of opencv?

In lkdemo file of opencv, the points with x,y co-ordinates) were saved in "Point2f point" and on each iteration or in every part of the loop, points[0] is updated with x and y coordinates. I want to store points of each iteration in a memory block or at one place so that I can use these points later. How can I do that? I tried it by coping the points to a float 2D array in this way:

in every part of loop, copy all points to the first column of a 2D array then, in next part of loop, copy all points to the second column of a 2D array then, . . . . go up to last frame in this way.

but the problem is that point2f point can't be copied to a float 2D array or in other words, its not allowed in opencv.

Any ideas?