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Brisk - undefined reference

Hello all, I'm new here and this area (CV).

I'm learning and testing the extractors (mainly BRISK) but when I try compile the code I'm getting an error.

I'm using the instructions of authors (in Readme) and following their code to declare Brisk Detector like it:

cv::Ptr<cv::FeatureDetector> detector;
detector = new cv::BriskFeatureDetector(60, 4);

and I receive this error:

Scanning dependencies of target main [100%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/main.dir/main.cpp.o Linking CXX executable main CMakeFiles/main.dir/main.cpp.o: In function main': main.cpp:(.text+0x178): undefined reference tocv::BriskFeatureDetector::BriskFeatureDetector(int, int)' collect2: ld returned 1 exit status make[2]: * [main] Erro 1 make[1]: * [CMakeFiles/main.dir/all] Erro 2 make: ** [all] Erro 2

I'm using CMAKE to create a Makefile, and make to compile it.

  • I've tested OpenCV, Brisk, Agast and it works (but not on my code)
  • I solved all problems with includes, the QT creator recognized all files and functios.

  • I have no idea what is happened.

The code that I'm following works perfectly on windows with Visual Studio + CMake (gui)

I'm using Ubuntu 12.04.01 LTS 64 bits

If someone can help... pls =D

Thank you guys!!!