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Detect flying hornets

Hi, With a camera, I want to film the Asian hornets (Vespa velutina) hovering in front of the hives. They expect the bees returning or leaving to catch and eat them. I do not want to track them but only detect and count them. So I filmed hornets and took many pictures from different angles. There are many detection methods with openCV and I'm a little confused. Secondly, I want to run the program on a Raspberry Pi 2. Can you advise me? Thank you

Detect flying hornets

Hi, With a camera, I want to film the Asian hornets (Vespa velutina) hovering in front of the hives. They expect the bees returning or leaving to catch and eat them. I do not want to track them but only detect and count them. So I filmed hornets and took many pictures from different angles. There are many detection methods with openCV and I'm a little confused. Secondly, I want to run the program on a Raspberry Pi 2. Can you advise me? Thank you

Photo o f a flying bee : C:\fakepath\DSC00749.JPG

Detect flying hornets

Hi, With a camera, I want to film the Asian hornets (Vespa velutina) hovering in front of the hives. They expect the bees returning or leaving to catch and eat them. I do not want to track them but only detect and count them. So I filmed hornets and took many pictures from different angles. There are many detection methods with openCV and I'm a little confused. Secondly, I want to run the program on a Raspberry Pi 2. Can you advise me? Thank you

I tested with a Sony NEX-5N HD 1920X1080 camera. I have not yet worked with the Raspberry camera that is also full HD 1080p

Photos with zoom :C:\fakepath\DSC00675.JPG C:\fakepath\DSC00695.JPG

Photos without zoom : C:\fakepath\DSC00734.JPG Photo o f a flying bee : C:\fakepath\DSC00749.JPG