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Using calcOpticalFlowPyrLK with user defined point

Currently, I had use the cv2.moment to get the center point of the targets, however when I apply calcOpticalFLowPyrLK to track these point, the tracking result is not very good, sometime it doesn't even manage to track the point.

I had also try using cv2.goodFeaturesToTrack to get the point, with this function, the calcOpticalFLowPyrLK is able to track the point, however there are too many unwanted point.

Can anyone suggested me a way to overcome this problem?

Using calcOpticalFlowPyrLK with multiple user defined point

Currently, I had use the cv2.moment to get the center point of the targets, however when I apply calcOpticalFLowPyrLK to track these point, the tracking result is not very good, sometime it doesn't even manage to track the point.

I had also try using cv2.goodFeaturesToTrack to get the point, with this function, the calcOpticalFLowPyrLK is able to track the point, however there are too many unwanted point.

Can anyone suggested me a way to overcome this problem?