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Create images index and search (Python)

I have almost 3 million images of different objects. Now I'd like to build an index (database), storing the features of each image (SIFT or SURF). Using this index and a single image, I'd like to find the k most similar images (showing the exact same object). I have been able to extract features and compare single images to each other. But comparing image by image for such a huge database takes forever.

How would I build an index of all images and search this index?

This may be a trivial questions for all the pros here, but I am very new to OpenCV (Python bindings) and very grateful for any help :) Thank you!

Create images index and search (Python)

I have almost 3 million images of different objects. Now I'd like to build an index (database), storing the features of each image (SIFT or SURF). Using this index and a single image, I'd like to find the k most similar images (showing the exact same object). I have been able to extract features and compare single images to each other. But comparing image by image for such a huge database takes forever.

How would I build an index of all images and search this index?

This may be a trivial questions for all the pros here, but I am very new to OpenCV (Python bindings) and very grateful for any help :) Thank you!

Create images features index (image database) and search (Python)

I have almost 3 million images of different objects. Now I'd like to build an index (database), storing the features of each image (SIFT or SURF). Using this index and a single image, I'd like to find the k most similar images (showing the exact same object). I have been able to extract features and compare single images to each other. But comparing image by image for such a huge database takes forever.

How would I build an index of all images and search this index?

This may be a trivial questions for all the pros here, but I am very new to OpenCV (Python bindings) and very grateful for any help :) Thank you!