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Right method for color object tracking

Hi, I am trying to detect colored balls like ps3 move controller balls from 2 mt distance.I have 10 camera in same room hanging from the ceiling.Room is dark and balls have led inside.I have 4-5 balls.(red,blue,green,yellow,pink). I want track their position with opencv.Whats the right mehtod for doing this in opencv ? Can u give link , example for this ?

Why am i doing this ? I attach this balls to humans head and track their position.After transfer their position to my program.For example i will see red person in x:39 y:69 blue person x:49 y:59 ....

Right method for color object tracking

Hi, I am trying to detect colored balls like ps3 move controller balls from 2 mt distance.I have 10 camera in same room hanging from the ceiling.Room is dark and balls have led inside.I have 4-5 balls.(red,blue,green,yellow,pink). I want track their position with opencv.Whats the right mehtod for doing this in opencv ? Can u give link , example for this ?

Why am i doing this ? I attach this balls to humans head and track their position.After that transfer their position to my program.For example i will see red person in x:39 y:69 blue person x:49 y:59 ....