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OpenCV 3.0 Filters missing

As in the subject.

I am migrating to OpenCV 3.0 and now I want to use following: -> BaseFilter -> BaseRowFilter -> BaseColumnFilter -> FilterEngine -> getKernelType

I cannot use them and I cannot see it in the docs. How can I use anything like this? Is there any way to migrate this to opencv 3.0?

OpenCV 3.0 Filters missing

As in the subject.

I am migrating to OpenCV 3.0 and now I want to use following: following:

-> BaseFilter BaseFilter

-> BaseRowFilter BaseRowFilter

-> BaseColumnFilter BaseColumnFilter

-> FilterEngine FilterEngine

-> getKernelType

I cannot use them and I cannot see it in the docs. How can I use anything like this? Is there any way to migrate this to opencv 3.0?