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OpenCL in 3.0 and Nvidia card

I am trying to run some of the OpenCL code examples with OpenCV 3.0, and have many problems when running on Nvidia card ("Quadro K2100M", in case it's important). Same examples run perfectly when using the embedded Intel GPU card.

  • initializeContextFromD3D11Device crashes
  • cvtColor runs for a while, but then crashes too (looks like some synchronization issue)

May it be that I need to do some special setup on the card/driver/code? Any help would be appreciated.

OpenCL in 3.0 and Nvidia card

I am trying to run some of the OpenCL code examples with OpenCV 3.0, and have many problems when running on Nvidia card ("Quadro K2100M", in case it's important). Same examples run perfectly when using the embedded Intel GPU card.

  • initializeContextFromD3D11Device crashes
  • cvtColor runs for a while, but then crashes too (looks like some synchronization issue)

May it be that I need to do some special setup on the card/driver/code? Any help would be appreciated.