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There is no java folder in the built opencv4android

Hello! I am making an application that need to use the FaceRecognizer. Since there is no faceRecognizer in ocv4android, I decided to build one containing the extra module. I folowed the instruction here: building opencv4android from trunk. I added the extra modules following the tutorial on How to build OpenCV with extra modules. I added all the extra modules. After the "make install" I had a folder named install which the built openCV4android libray is suppose to be. I tried importing it in eclispe but it was impossible, I compared it whith the standard opencv4android and I found that there was no java folder in the one I built. instead of it, there is a bin folder! And, in all the subfolder of the ocv4android I built, I did not found any java code. I don't understand what is wrong since I followed meticulously the instruction!! Can someone tell me please how to generate those java file?? I am sure that it will also help others who are trying to build ocv4android.

There is no java folder in the built opencv4android

Hello! I am making an application that need to use the FaceRecognizer. Since there is no faceRecognizer in ocv4android, I decided to build one containing the extra module. I folowed the instruction here: building opencv4android from trunk. I added the extra modules following the tutorial on How to build OpenCV with extra modules. I added all the extra modules. After the "make install" I had a folder named install which the built openCV4android libray is suppose to be. I tried importing it in eclispe but it was impossible, I compared it whith the standard opencv4android and I found that there was no java folder in the one I built. instead of it, there is a bin folder! And, in all the subfolder of the ocv4android I built, I did not found any java code. I don't understand what is wrong since I followed meticulously the instruction!! Can someone tell me please how to generate those java file?? I am sure that it will also help others who are trying to build ocv4android.