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Why i am getting different global maximum value for the same image

while i am trying to get the global maximum in an image, i recieved two values for the global maximum for the same image.first time, in the method "globMaxValLoc" i get the global maximum and this method yielded 101 at location {111,66}. second time in the methods "findCandidateLocMax", and it yielded 255 at location {106,61}.

please also have a look at the output section below as it contains the output results i am getting.

please let me know why i am getting different global maxima values each time, and is there any better way to get the global maximum?

globMaxValLoc mathod:

private void globMaxValLoc(Mat saliencyMap) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    MinMaxLocResult saliencyGlobMax = Core.minMaxLoc(saliencyMap);

    Log.D(TAG, "globMaxValLoc", "saliencyGlobMax.maxVal: "+saliencyGlobMax.maxVal);
    Log.D(TAG, "globMaxValLoc", "saliencyGlobMax.maxLoc: "+saliencyGlobMax.maxLoc);

    Core.rectangle(saliencyMap, new Point(saliencyGlobMax.maxLoc.x-5, saliencyGlobMax.maxLoc.y-5), 
            new Point(saliencyGlobMax.maxLoc.x+5, saliencyGlobMax.maxLoc.y+5), 
            new Scalar(255, 100, 200));
    ImageUtils.showMat(saliencyMap, "saliencyGlobMax");



private void findCandidateLocMax(Mat saliencyMap, Point[] frameMinMaxDims) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    double topLeftX = frameMinMaxDims[0].x;
    double topLeftY = frameMinMaxDims[0].y;
    double bottomRightX = frameMinMaxDims[1].x;
    double bottomRightY = frameMinMaxDims[1].y;
    double diffX = (bottomRightX-topLeftX) + 1;
    double diffY = (bottomRightY-topLeftY) + 1;
    int cnt = 0;

    HashMap<Point, Double> seedsMap = new HashMap<Point, Double>();
    Valuecomparator vc = new Valuecomparator(seedsMap);
    TreeMap<Point, Double> treeMap = new TreeMap<Point, Double>(vc);

    //here i get the global maxima
    MinMaxLocResult saliencyGlobMax = Core.minMaxLoc(saliencyMap);
    Log.D(TAG, "findCandidateLocMax", "saliencyGlobMax.maxVal: "+saliencyGlobMax.maxVal);
    Log.D(TAG, "findCandidateLocMax", "saliencyGlobMax.maxLoc: "+saliencyGlobMax.maxLoc);

    Core.rectangle(saliencyMap, new Point(saliencyGlobMax.maxLoc.x-5, saliencyGlobMax.maxLoc.y-5), 
            new Point(saliencyGlobMax.maxLoc.x+5, saliencyGlobMax.maxLoc.y+5), 
            new Scalar(255, 100, 200));
    ImageUtils.showMat(saliencyMap, "saliencyGlobMax");


6: Debug: FOA -> globMaxValLoc: saliencyGlobMax.maxVal: 101.0
7: Debug: FOA -> globMaxValLoc: saliencyGlobMax.maxLoc: {111.0, 66.0}
8: Debug: FOA -> findCandidateLocMax: saliencyGlobMax.maxVal: 255.0
9: Debug: FOA -> findCandidateLocMax: saliencyGlobMax.maxLoc: {106.0, 61.0}

Why i am getting different global maximum value for the same image

while i am trying to get the global maximum in an image, i recieved two values for the global maximum for the same image.first time, in the method "globMaxValLoc" i get the global maximum and this method yielded 101 at location {111,66}. second time in the methods "findCandidateLocMax", and it yielded 255 at location {106,61}.

please also have a look at the output section below as it contains the output results i am getting.

please let me know why i am getting different global maxima maximum values each time, and is there any better way to get the global maximum?

globMaxValLoc mathod:

private void globMaxValLoc(Mat saliencyMap) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    MinMaxLocResult saliencyGlobMax = Core.minMaxLoc(saliencyMap);

    Log.D(TAG, "globMaxValLoc", "saliencyGlobMax.maxVal: "+saliencyGlobMax.maxVal);
    Log.D(TAG, "globMaxValLoc", "saliencyGlobMax.maxLoc: "+saliencyGlobMax.maxLoc);

    Core.rectangle(saliencyMap, new Point(saliencyGlobMax.maxLoc.x-5, saliencyGlobMax.maxLoc.y-5), 
            new Point(saliencyGlobMax.maxLoc.x+5, saliencyGlobMax.maxLoc.y+5), 
            new Scalar(255, 100, 200));
    ImageUtils.showMat(saliencyMap, "saliencyGlobMax");



private void findCandidateLocMax(Mat saliencyMap, Point[] frameMinMaxDims) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    double topLeftX = frameMinMaxDims[0].x;
    double topLeftY = frameMinMaxDims[0].y;
    double bottomRightX = frameMinMaxDims[1].x;
    double bottomRightY = frameMinMaxDims[1].y;
    double diffX = (bottomRightX-topLeftX) + 1;
    double diffY = (bottomRightY-topLeftY) + 1;
    int cnt = 0;

    HashMap<Point, Double> seedsMap = new HashMap<Point, Double>();
    Valuecomparator vc = new Valuecomparator(seedsMap);
    TreeMap<Point, Double> treeMap = new TreeMap<Point, Double>(vc);

    //here i get the global maxima
    MinMaxLocResult saliencyGlobMax = Core.minMaxLoc(saliencyMap);
    Log.D(TAG, "findCandidateLocMax", "saliencyGlobMax.maxVal: "+saliencyGlobMax.maxVal);
    Log.D(TAG, "findCandidateLocMax", "saliencyGlobMax.maxLoc: "+saliencyGlobMax.maxLoc);

    Core.rectangle(saliencyMap, new Point(saliencyGlobMax.maxLoc.x-5, saliencyGlobMax.maxLoc.y-5), 
            new Point(saliencyGlobMax.maxLoc.x+5, saliencyGlobMax.maxLoc.y+5), 
            new Scalar(255, 100, 200));
    ImageUtils.showMat(saliencyMap, "saliencyGlobMax");


6: Debug: FOA -> globMaxValLoc: saliencyGlobMax.maxVal: 101.0
7: Debug: FOA -> globMaxValLoc: saliencyGlobMax.maxLoc: {111.0, 66.0}
8: Debug: FOA -> findCandidateLocMax: saliencyGlobMax.maxVal: 255.0
9: Debug: FOA -> findCandidateLocMax: saliencyGlobMax.maxLoc: {106.0, 61.0}
click to hide/show revision 3

updated 2015-06-05 04:21:40 -0600

berak gravatar image

Why i am getting different global maximum value for the same image

while i am trying to get the global maximum in an image, i recieved two values for the global maximum for the same image.first time, in the method "globMaxValLoc" i get the global maximum and this method yielded 101 at location {111,66}. second time in the methods "findCandidateLocMax", and it yielded 255 at location {106,61}.

please also have a look at the output section below as it contains the output results i am getting.

please let me know why i am getting different global maximum values each time, and is there any better way to get the global maximum?

globMaxValLoc mathod:

private void globMaxValLoc(Mat saliencyMap) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    MinMaxLocResult saliencyGlobMax = Core.minMaxLoc(saliencyMap);

    Log.D(TAG, "globMaxValLoc", "saliencyGlobMax.maxVal: "+saliencyGlobMax.maxVal);
    Log.D(TAG, "globMaxValLoc", "saliencyGlobMax.maxLoc: "+saliencyGlobMax.maxLoc);

    Core.rectangle(saliencyMap, new Point(saliencyGlobMax.maxLoc.x-5, saliencyGlobMax.maxLoc.y-5), 
            new Point(saliencyGlobMax.maxLoc.x+5, saliencyGlobMax.maxLoc.y+5), 
            new Scalar(255, 100, 200));
    ImageUtils.showMat(saliencyMap, "saliencyGlobMax");



private void findCandidateLocMax(Mat saliencyMap, Point[] frameMinMaxDims) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    double topLeftX = frameMinMaxDims[0].x;
    double topLeftY = frameMinMaxDims[0].y;
    double bottomRightX = frameMinMaxDims[1].x;
    double bottomRightY = frameMinMaxDims[1].y;
    double diffX = (bottomRightX-topLeftX) + 1;
    double diffY = (bottomRightY-topLeftY) + 1;
    int cnt = 0;

    HashMap<Point, Double> seedsMap = new HashMap<Point, Double>();
    Valuecomparator vc = new Valuecomparator(seedsMap);
    TreeMap<Point, Double> treeMap = new TreeMap<Point, Double>(vc);

    //here i get the global maxima
    MinMaxLocResult saliencyGlobMax = Core.minMaxLoc(saliencyMap);
    Log.D(TAG, "findCandidateLocMax", "saliencyGlobMax.maxVal: "+saliencyGlobMax.maxVal);
    Log.D(TAG, "findCandidateLocMax", "saliencyGlobMax.maxLoc: "+saliencyGlobMax.maxLoc);

    Core.rectangle(saliencyMap, new Point(saliencyGlobMax.maxLoc.x-5, saliencyGlobMax.maxLoc.y-5), 
            new Point(saliencyGlobMax.maxLoc.x+5, saliencyGlobMax.maxLoc.y+5), 
            new Scalar(255, 100, 200));
    ImageUtils.showMat(saliencyMap, "saliencyGlobMax");


6: Debug: FOA -> globMaxValLoc: saliencyGlobMax.maxVal: 101.0
7: Debug: FOA -> globMaxValLoc: saliencyGlobMax.maxLoc: {111.0, 66.0}
8: Debug: FOA -> findCandidateLocMax: saliencyGlobMax.maxVal: 255.0
9: Debug: FOA -> findCandidateLocMax: saliencyGlobMax.maxLoc: {106.0, 61.0}

Why i am getting different global maximum value for the same image

while i am trying to get the global maximum in an image, i recieved two values for the global maximum for the same image.first time, in the method "globMaxValLoc" i get the global maximum and this method yielded 101 at location {111,66}. second time in the methods "findCandidateLocMax", and it yielded 255 at location {106,61}.

please also have a look at the output section below as it contains the output results i am getting.

please let me know why i am getting different global maximum values each time, and is there any better way to get the global maximum?


Or in other words, when I use Core.MinMaxLoc two consecutive times it geives differen values!! why that is happening and how to avoid it.

globMaxValLoc mathod:

private void globMaxValLoc(Mat saliencyMap) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    MinMaxLocResult saliencyGlobMax = Core.minMaxLoc(saliencyMap);

    Log.D(TAG, "globMaxValLoc", "saliencyGlobMax.maxVal: "+saliencyGlobMax.maxVal);
    Log.D(TAG, "globMaxValLoc", "saliencyGlobMax.maxLoc: "+saliencyGlobMax.maxLoc);

    Core.rectangle(saliencyMap, new Point(saliencyGlobMax.maxLoc.x-5, saliencyGlobMax.maxLoc.y-5), 
            new Point(saliencyGlobMax.maxLoc.x+5, saliencyGlobMax.maxLoc.y+5), 
            new Scalar(255, 100, 200));
    ImageUtils.showMat(saliencyMap, "saliencyGlobMax");



private void findCandidateLocMax(Mat saliencyMap, Point[] frameMinMaxDims) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    double topLeftX = frameMinMaxDims[0].x;
    double topLeftY = frameMinMaxDims[0].y;
    double bottomRightX = frameMinMaxDims[1].x;
    double bottomRightY = frameMinMaxDims[1].y;
    double diffX = (bottomRightX-topLeftX) + 1;
    double diffY = (bottomRightY-topLeftY) + 1;
    int cnt = 0;

    HashMap<Point, Double> seedsMap = new HashMap<Point, Double>();
    Valuecomparator vc = new Valuecomparator(seedsMap);
    TreeMap<Point, Double> treeMap = new TreeMap<Point, Double>(vc);

    //here i get the global maxima
    MinMaxLocResult saliencyGlobMax = Core.minMaxLoc(saliencyMap);
    Log.D(TAG, "findCandidateLocMax", "saliencyGlobMax.maxVal: "+saliencyGlobMax.maxVal);
    Log.D(TAG, "findCandidateLocMax", "saliencyGlobMax.maxLoc: "+saliencyGlobMax.maxLoc);

    Core.rectangle(saliencyMap, new Point(saliencyGlobMax.maxLoc.x-5, saliencyGlobMax.maxLoc.y-5), 
            new Point(saliencyGlobMax.maxLoc.x+5, saliencyGlobMax.maxLoc.y+5), 
            new Scalar(255, 100, 200));
    ImageUtils.showMat(saliencyMap, "saliencyGlobMax");


6: Debug: FOA -> globMaxValLoc: saliencyGlobMax.maxVal: 101.0
7: Debug: FOA -> globMaxValLoc: saliencyGlobMax.maxLoc: {111.0, 66.0}
8: Debug: FOA -> findCandidateLocMax: saliencyGlobMax.maxVal: 255.0
9: Debug: FOA -> findCandidateLocMax: saliencyGlobMax.maxLoc: {106.0, 61.0}