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Kinect RGB and depth frame

I have RGB and depth frame both have resolution of 480x640 pixels. I already align these 2 frames together and what i obtained is the pointcloud rgb-d . How can i implement SURF with these RGB-D image since SURF opencv only for 2d image?

I am also confused about this situation. If i have a point in RGB image, lets say (100,200). Now i want to find the depth of that point. Can i just go to the point (100,200) in depth registered image and get the depth out?

Please let me know

Kinect RGB and depth frame

I have RGB and depth frame both have resolution of 480x640 pixels. I already align these 2 frames together and what i obtained is the pointcloud rgb-d . How can i implement SURF with these RGB-D image since SURF opencv only for 2d image?

I am also confused about this situation. If i have a point in RGB image, lets say (100,200). Now i want to find the depth of that point. Can i just go to the point (100,200) in depth registered image and get the depth out?

I use ROS Kinect OpenNI

Please let me know