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viz3d for augmented reality

I am not able to implement augmented reality using the viz3d module. After getting the pose information somehow (by feature matching) I am doing the following standard steps:

  viz::Viz3d vWindow("Viz3D");  
  viz::Camera vcam(vcammat, Size(640, 480)); //vcammat contains the intrinsic which is calculated beforehand and loaded.

  vWindow.setBackgroundTexture(frame_vis);  //background frame for augmented reality
  vWindow.setViewerPose(pose);  //pose got by by solvepnp

  vWindow.showWidget("mesh", vwidget); //some mesh read before
  vWindow.spinOnce(30, true); //this entire thing is in a loop

the pose got is correct as I am able to do a very good overlay of the mesh when I manually draw it in the image using its projected (by pose and intrinsic inside vcammat) points of the mesh. But in the viz3d window I get the window completely occluded by the mesh.

Anyone successfully used opencv viz3d module for augmented reality? Any reason why it is failing ?