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Haar training for Object Detection : Train in a powerful system

I am going to train HaarCascade classifier for flowers but my PC has low Hardware. Can you recommend me with any solution for doing the training on a remote powerful machine. I am gonna need CUDA, OpenCL, TBB and others installed on the remote machine to start training. Any chance somebody provides this kind of service?
I would prefer un-paid service as this is the only training I am gonna do for this one project.

Haar training for Object Detection : Train in a powerful system

I am going to train HaarCascade classifier for flowers but my PC has low Hardware. Can you recommend me with any solution for doing the training on a remote powerful machine. I am gonna need CUDA, OpenCL, TBB and others installed on the remote machine to start training. Any chance somebody provides this kind of service?
I would prefer un-paid service as this is the only training I am gonna do for this one project.