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Does descriptorType returns the int representing CV_TYPES?

Hi, I have seen that there is a function cv::DescriptorExtractor::descriptorType the is returning an int. Is it the same as CV_8U, CV_32F, etc?

Is it ok to use it for creating a cv::Mat for some descriptors stored in a file (that was not saved with cv::FileStorage), so I can do :

cv::Mat descriptors(numOfDescriptors, extractorPtr->descriptorSize(), extractorPtr->descriptorType());
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < numOfDescriptors; i++)
   for (std::size_t j = 0; j < descriptorValues.size(); j++) // where descriptorValues is a vector of string
      switch (extractorPtr->descriptorType())
         case CV_8U:
            descriptors.ptr< uchar >(i)[j] = std::strtoi(descriptorValues[j]);
         case CV_32F:
            descriptors.ptr< float >(i)[j] = std::strtof(descriptorValues[j]);
            std::cerr << "Wrong descriptor type" << std::endl;

Does descriptorType returns the int representing CV_TYPES?

Hi, I have seen that there is a function cv::DescriptorExtractor::descriptorType the is returning an int. Is it the same as CV_8U, CV_32F, etc?

Is it ok to use it for creating a cv::Mat for some descriptors stored in a file (that was not saved with cv::FileStorage), so I can do :

cv::Mat descriptors(numOfDescriptors, extractorPtr->descriptorSize(), extractorPtr->descriptorType());
extractorPtr->descriptorType()); // extractorPtr is a cv::Ptr< cv::DescriptorExctractor >
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < numOfDescriptors; i++)
   for (std::size_t j = 0; j < descriptorValues.size(); j++) // where descriptorValues is a vector of string
      switch (extractorPtr->descriptorType())
         case CV_8U:
            descriptors.ptr< uchar >(i)[j] = std::strtoi(descriptorValues[j]);
         case CV_32F:
            descriptors.ptr< float >(i)[j] = std::strtof(descriptorValues[j]);
            std::cerr << "Wrong descriptor type" << std::endl;