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Mat Syntax

Hi, I'm doing the tutorial for ANN. One of the instruction is to do this

Generate cv::Mat data(1,ATTRIBUTES,CV_32S) which will contain the pixel

OK, I have the image 16X16 binary already but I don't know how to do the above this because i'm using the imread syntax like this. image = imread("c://DL.jpg", CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR); // Read the file

it is not the same.. Can anyone help me on this?

Mat Syntax

Hi, I'm doing the tutorial for ANN. One of the instruction is to do this

Generate cv::Mat data(1,ATTRIBUTES,CV_32S) which will contain the pixel


OK, I have the image 16X16 binary already but I don't know how to do the above this because i'm using the imread syntax like this.

image = imread("c://DL.jpg", CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR); // Read the file


it is not the same.. Can anyone help me on this?