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[OpenGL]Realization of Hough Transform in OpenGL

Hi, today I was working on my Hough Transform function, but it came way way too slow, although my efforts to optimize it. The OpenCV version of the function have the same performance.

Not so long ago, I wrote one program, that was using OpenGL rendering to texture and sampling from the same texture. There wasn't problem, because It was reading from pixel (a,b) and after the processing It was writing to the same pixel. I tough that the same idea can be used for Hough Transform, but there is one big problem: if I'm reading from one pixel and I'm writing to other there is possibility, that two threads could read/write to the same pixel.

Now the question: Is there way to increment the value into the OpenGL output, without knowing the exact value ?

p.p. Maybe that isn't the right forum for that question, but that is the only place, that I know that here have people that can help me ;)