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FREAK experience requiered

Hello there,

I am working on a facetracking for quite a while now, to control a virtual 3D scene. I run a simple faceDetection on an 320x240 image and track the position with the detected face. Sadly, the face detection isn't rotation invariant, so I createt a new classifier, but the false positive rate was just terrible. So I started to rotate the image (20 degree to the left and right), detected my Face on 3 images parralel in separate Threads, rotate my Keypoint (if requiered) back and done. This kinda works, but the Thread handling isn't nice.

My solutuion is kinda fast. I get my Keypoint in under 10ms, but I don't like the solution. Now I wanted to give FREAK, SURF, SIFT and ORB a chance. How fast are these OpenCV modules? Can anyone tell me a realistic time to detect a face Position in a 320x240 image?