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Still see the error: opencv_for_tegra: Canot create OpenGL context

I am using OpenCV for Android. Library version is 2.4.10. I want to use the findChessboardCorners() method in CameraCalibration.

Upon running, the code does nothing and I see a error message in logcat:

E/OpenCV_for_Tegra(xxxx): Canot create OpenGL context

I searched around and found there is a bug already open for the issue:

However according to the link, the bug should have been fixed for my library version. I wondered if it's a different issue? Maybe just not enough memories?

Still see the error: Opencv4Android : opencv_for_tegra: Canot create OpenGL context

I am using OpenCV for Android. Library version is 2.4.10. I want to use the findChessboardCorners() method in CameraCalibration.

Upon running, the code does nothing and I see a error message in logcat:

E/OpenCV_for_Tegra(xxxx): Canot create OpenGL context

I searched around and found there is a bug already open for the issue:

However according to the link, the bug should have been fixed for my library version. I wondered if it's a different issue? Maybe just not enough memories?

Opencv4Android : opencv_for_tegra: Canot create OpenGL context

I am using OpenCV for Android. Library version is 2.4.10. I want to use the findChessboardCorners() method in CameraCalibration.

Upon running, the code does nothing and I see a error message in logcat:


E/OpenCV_for_Tegra(xxxx): Canot create OpenGL context

I searched around and found there is a bug already open for the issue:

However according to the link, the bug should have been fixed for my library version. I wondered if it's a different issue? Maybe just not enough memories?

Opencv4Android : opencv_for_tegra: Canot create OpenGL context

I am using OpenCV for Android. Library version is 2.4.10. I want to use the findChessboardCorners() method in CameraCalibration.Utils.bitmapToMat() method.

Upon running, the code does nothing and I see a error message in logcat:


E/OpenCV_for_Tegra(xxxx): Canot create OpenGL context

I searched around and found there is a bug already open for the issue:

However according to the link, the bug should have been fixed for my library version. I wondered if it's a different issue? Maybe just not enough memories?