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What happens if public Mat onCameraFrame(CvCameraViewFrame inputFrame) is called when the activity is still busy processing another frame ?

Will the frame be queued, so if 1 frame is processed per second, after 25 second, we would have processed only one second of the real world ? I want it not to be queued but skipped, so to have a "real-time" feel, even my program can only process 2 ou 3 frames.

What happens if public Mat onCameraFrame(CvCameraViewFrame inputFrame) is called when the activity is still busy processing another frame ?

Will the frame be queued, so if 1 frame is processed per second, after 25 second, we would have processed only one second of the real world ? I want it not to be queued but skipped, so to have a "real-time" feel, even my program can only process 2 ou 3 or3 frames.

Detail : I am studying the OpenCV Mixed Processing sample.