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c++ interface of cvCreateImageHeader()

hi, i want to convert c interface of opencv into c++ interface. such as cvCreateImageHeader

and how can i convert this to c++ interface :

cvSetData( colorimg, (uchar)colorImageData.planes[0], colorimg->width * 3 * sizeof(uchar) ); cvSetData( depthimg, (short)depthImageData.planes[0], depthimg->width * sizeof(short) ); cvSetData( UVimg, (float*)depthImageData.planes[2], depthimg->width * sizeof(float) );

c++ interface of cvCreateImageHeader()cvCreateImageHeader(), cvSetData()

hi, i want to convert c interface of opencv into c++ interface. such as cvCreateImageHeader

and how can i convert this to c++ interface :

cvSetData( colorimg, (uchar)colorImageData.planes[0], colorimg->width * 3 * sizeof(uchar) ); cvSetData( depthimg, (short)depthImageData.planes[0], depthimg->width * sizeof(short) ); cvSetData( UVimg, (float*)depthImageData.planes[2], depthimg->width * sizeof(float) );

c++ interface of cvCreateImageHeader(), cvSetData()

hi, i want to convert c interface of opencv into c++ interface. such as cvCreateImageHeader

and how can i convert this to c++ interface :

cvSetData( colorimg, (uchar)colorImageData.planes[0], (uchar*)colorImageData.planes[0], colorimg->width * 3 * sizeof(uchar) );
cvSetData( depthimg, (short)depthImageData.planes[0], (short*)depthImageData.planes[0], depthimg->width * sizeof(short) );
cvSetData( UVimg, (float*)depthImageData.planes[2], depthimg->width * sizeof(float) );


c++ interface of cvCreateImageHeader(), cvSetData()

hi, i want to convert c interface of opencv into c++ interface. such as cvCreateImageHeader

and how can i convert this to c++ interface :

cvSetData( colorimg, (uchar*)colorImageData.planes[0], colorimg->width * 3 * sizeof(uchar) );
cvSetData( depthimg, (short*)depthImageData.planes[0], depthimg->width * sizeof(short) );
cvSetData( UVimg, (float*)depthImageData.planes[2], depthimg->width * sizeof(float) );

c++ interface of cvCreateImageHeader(), cvSetData()

hi, i want to convert c interface of opencv into c++ interface. such as cvCreateImageHeader

and how can i convert this to c++ interface :

cvSetData( colorimg, (uchar*)colorImageData.planes[0], colorimg->width * 3 * sizeof(uchar) );
cvSetData( depthimg, (short*)depthImageData.planes[0], depthimg->width * sizeof(short) );
cvSetData( UVimg, (float*)depthImageData.planes[2], depthimg->width * sizeof(float) );