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Using Waveform OBJ/SPL "meshes" directly in OpenCV

I have a need to "render" a 3d MeshLab produced mesh in OpenCV directly - this can be exported in Waveform obj, ply, stl, off, wrf, dxf, dae, ctm, xyz, gts, json, u3d, idtf or x3d "formats").

At the moment, I'm having to load a .obj file into my C++ application using OpenGL which then "insists" on having a windowing environment to render to (which cannot be provided on the server) - however, I just need a Jpeg or similar file produced (I'll be really happy with having a standard cv::Mat produced)

My question, therefore, is: Is there any way of producing an image file with a 3d mesh within OpenCV itself without the use of third party libraries? [I do have the need to be able to plot it, and other details, in "3d" space]?

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updated 2015-01-09 16:42:18 -0600

berak gravatar image

Using Waveform Wavefront OBJ/SPL "meshes" directly in OpenCV

I have a need to "render" a 3d MeshLab produced mesh in OpenCV directly - this can be exported in Waveform obj, ply, stl, off, wrf, dxf, dae, ctm, xyz, gts, json, u3d, idtf or x3d "formats").

At the moment, I'm having to load a .obj file into my C++ application using OpenGL which then "insists" on having a windowing environment to render to (which cannot be provided on the server) - however, I just need a Jpeg or similar file produced (I'll be really happy with having a standard cv::Mat produced)

My question, therefore, is: Is there any way of producing an image file with a 3d mesh within OpenCV itself without the use of third party libraries? [I do have the need to be able to plot it, and other details, in "3d" space]?