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How to convert 2d into 3D image

Now I am doing conversion of 2D images to 3D images. For that am using following steps.

(1). Input 2 images. (2). Detect keypoints using SIFT. (3). Extract Descriptors. (4). Compare and match descriptors. (5). find fundamental mat (findFundamentalMat()) from these pairs. (6). stereoRectifyUncalibrated(). (7). reprojectImageTo3D().

Now I want to know that what is this xyz and Q in reprojectImageTo3D? And what are the values given to xyz and to Q?

reprojectImageTo3D(imgDisparity8U, xyz, Q, true);

Because I got an error like this:

OpenCV Error: Assertion failed (Q.size() == Size(4,4)) in reprojectImageTo3D, file /home/arya/stuff/opencv/opencv-2.4.7/modules/calib3d/src/calibration.cpp, line 2823