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OpenCV3.0 missing headers and libraries.

Hi Guys, Iam trying to build opencv 3.0 from source. I downloaded the source code and using cmake I generated the OpenCV.sln file. I built the visual studio sln file in both debug and release modes. And I was able to run the samples. So far everything went well.

Now, I try to create a sample application in Visual Studio. I include the header files from "build/include" but unfortunately, there are no header files in this folder. I only see some cmake files, but no header files. Also build/x64 is supposed to have vc10,11,and 12 folders with respective lib,bin and statlib folders in it. But they are all missing. I only have some cmake files in the build/x64 folder. No libraries.

I also tried using the pre-built libraries by downloading and extracting from the build/include folder has the header files. But build/x64/vc12/lib doesn't have all the libraries. Its having only world300 and ts300 libraries, all the other libraries are missing.

I never had these issues with opencv 2.49. Any help in what I missing would be highly appreciated.