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SVM copy constructor is private

I am using a SVM classifier for validating my detections. But when I have tried to copy the SVM it says the the copy constructor is private.

/usr/local/include/opencv2/ml/ml.hpp:553:5: error: ‘CvSVM::CvSVM(const CvSVM&)’ is private

Now I am wondering how to copy my classifier?

SVM copy constructor is private

I am using a SVM classifier for validating my detections. But when I have tried to copy the SVM it says the the copy constructor is private.

/usr/local/include/opencv2/ml/ml.hpp:553:5: error: ‘CvSVM::CvSVM(const CvSVM&)’ is private

If I change to m_svm = svmIn it says that operator = is also private.

/usr/local/include/opencv2/ml/ml.hpp:554:12: error: ‘CvSVM& CvSVM::operator=(const CvSVM&)’ is private

Now I am wondering how to copy my classifier?

SVM copy constructor is private

I am using a SVM classifier for validating my detections. But when I have tried to copy the SVM it says the the copy constructor is private.

/usr/local/include/opencv2/ml/ml.hpp:553:5: error: ‘CvSVM::CvSVM(const CvSVM&)’ is private

If I change to m_svm = svmIn it says that operator = is also private.

/usr/local/include/opencv2/ml/ml.hpp:554:12: error: ‘CvSVM& CvSVM::operator=(const CvSVM&)’ is private

Now I am wondering how to copy my classifier?classifier? Shall I construct it every time?