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Bird's Eye homography height & scale?

I've created a bird's eye view of my 640x360 video stream by following example 12-1 in "Learning OpenCV" by Bradski & Kaehler (I had to make some minor changes to play nice with v2.4.9).

I have to manually play with the height in the homography matrix each time in order for the bird's eye view to look (almost) right. It seems to depend on the location of the chessboard on the ground. Also, the result is much smaller than the original image.

How can I...

  1. Automatically find the correct height?
  2. Keep the scale closer to the original size? (I know there will be some loss)

Note, I'm coding with C++, Visual Studio 2013 (w/ platform toolset set to VS2010), and OpenCV v2.4.9