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[REMARK] please stop reporting people as spam bots :)

Dear Q&A forum users,

As parttime administrator of this forum, we are aware of the huge increase in spam bots crawling around our forum. We have passed on the notice to the openCV core developers who are going to take care of it in the near future by updating the AskBot version used and applying some suggested fixes.

In the meanwhile

  1. Please delete or close down posts if a spambot occurs
  2. You do not need to mark offensive

The marking gives us administrators a warning, which we used to block the users. However the system of the current Askbot is that buggy, making blocking of 20 accounts a day quite useless.

So please bare with us for some time, I will keep people up to date about the progress in this topic.

DEV forum topic:

Kind regards,


[REMARK] please stop reporting people as spam bots :)

Dear Q&A forum users,

As parttime administrator of this forum, we are aware of the huge increase in spam bots crawling around our forum. We have passed on the notice to the openCV core developers who are going to take care of it in the near future by updating the AskBot version used and applying some suggested fixes.

In the meanwhile

  1. Please delete or close down posts if a spambot occurs
  2. You do not need to mark offensive

The marking gives us administrators a warning, which we used to block the users. However the system of the current Askbot is that buggy, making blocking of 20 accounts a day quite useless.

So please bare with us for some time, I will keep people up to date about the progress in this topic.

DEV forum topic:

Kind regards,
