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how to know grayscale or color img loaded

I need to know, is loaded img grayscale or color to not process grayscale. My idea is get grayscale by cvtColor(src,src_gray,COLOR_BGR2GRAY) and compare with loaded img.

Perhaps there is a standard or a more interesting options?

how to know grayscale or color img loaded

I need to know, is loaded img grayscale or color to not process grayscale. My idea is get grayscale by cvtColor(src,src_gray,COLOR_BGR2GRAY) and compare with loaded img.

Perhaps there is a standard or a more interesting options? variant?

how to know grayscale or color img loaded

I need to know, is loaded img grayscale or color to not process grayscale. My idea is get grayscale by cvtColor(src,src_gray,COLOR_BGR2GRAY) and compare with loaded img.

Perhaps there is a standard or a more interesting variant?