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Detecting the National ID card and getting the details

I am trying to detect the National ID of the below type and get the details of it, For example the location of the signature should be found at the top right corner of the persons image, in this case "DA".

enter image description here

I need to do this application in iphone. I thought of using Opencv for it but how can I achieve the marked details? Do I need to train the application with similar kind Cards or OCR could help?

Is there any specific implementations for mobile applications?

I also gone through card-io which detects the credit card details, does Card-io detects the other card details also?

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updated 2014-06-17 04:26:12 -0600

berak gravatar image

Detecting the National ID card and getting the details

I am trying to detect the National ID of the below type and get the details of it, For example the location of the signature should be found at the top right corner of the persons image, in this case "DA".

enter image description here

I need to do this application in iphone. I thought of using Opencv for it but how can I achieve the marked details? Do I need to train the application with similar kind Cards or OCR could help?

Is there any specific implementations for mobile applications?

I also gone through card-io which detects the credit card details, does Card-io detects the other card details also?