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Calculating motion/movement energy/difference

Hi everybody, I am completely new in openCV and have not that much background in computer vision at all. What I need to achieve is a calculation of the "movement energy" in a real time video stream, let's say provided by depth raw data coming from a kinect camera. Concrete application: I want to measure und visualize on a scale how much a group of people, which is covered by a kinect camera, is moving. Since I found no approaches of the side of the kinect sdk and instantly by google I would like to know if there are any provided functionalities that I can use to reach this goal? I am really happy about suggestions and tips. Thanks a lot in advance.

Calculating motion/movement energy/difference

Hi everybody, I am completely new in openCV and have not that much background in computer vision at all. What I need to achieve is a calculation of the "movement energy" in a real time video stream, let's say provided by depth raw data coming from a kinect camera. Concrete application: I want to measure und visualize on a scale how much much/strong a large group of people, which is covered by a kinect camera, is moving. Since I found no approaches of the side of the kinect sdk and instantly by google I would like to know if there are any provided functionalities that I can use to reach this goal? I am really happy about suggestions and tips. Thanks a lot in advance.

Calculating motion/movement energy/difference

Hi everybody, I am completely new in openCV and have not that much background in computer vision at all. What I need to achieve is a calculation of the "movement energy" in a real time video stream, let's say provided by depth raw data coming from a kinect camera. Concrete application: I want to measure und visualize on a scale how much/strong a large group of people, which is covered by a kinect camera, is moving. Since I found no approaches of the side of the kinect sdk and instantly by google I would like to know if there are any provided functionalities that I can use to reach this goal? I am really happy about suggestions and tips. Thanks a lot in advance.