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Equivalent of cv::PCA in JavaCV

I am converting codes written in C++ to Java for an Android application. I could not find the equivalent of cv::PCA at line 152. What is the equivalent of PCA class in JavaCV?

Equivalent of cv::PCA in JavaCV

I am converting codes written in C++ to Java for an Android application. I could not find the equivalent of cv::PCA at line 152. What is the equivalent of PCA class in JavaCV?

.cpp source:

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updated 2014-04-21 01:45:26 -0600

berak gravatar image

Equivalent of cv::PCA in JavaCV

I am converting codes written in C++ to Java for an Android application. I could not find the equivalent of cv::PCA at line 152. What is the equivalent of PCA class in JavaCV?

.cpp source: