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Hough transformation on given points

Hi guys!

For some measurements I want to perform with OpenCV the canny algorithm in HoughLines seems just be too slow. However, I can also use a much easier approach for finding edges. Namely, I create search rays and then, take a profile across those ray, searching for maxima. The benefit of doing so is that I can set the resolution of the search rays: For rough searching it's just enough to have those rays each few pixels or so.

(Obviously, a plain houghlines would do it for this image, so please no comments about that) As you see in the image, I find points around edges (blue dots). However, now I want to find good candidates for lines for these points. Unfortunately, HoughLines NEEDS a greyscale image as input rather than taking points with x,y coordinates.

Is there any solution to find hough lines for an array of 2d points within opencv (I rather not implement my own hough transformation)?