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Bag of (visual) Words - Locate Object in Image

Hi everybody,

I was dealing with the Bag of (visual) Words (BOW) approach in OpenCV recently. I found some code in the Internet where you can predict by means of a trained Support Vector Machine if a certain object is present in the image or not.

My problem is now, that this BOW approach indeed to some extent accurately recognizes your object, but it doesn't tell you where the object is located in the image.

My goal is to put a bounding box around the detected object. Is there any way I can use the BOW approach and still locate that object?

Any help, suggestion or idea would be helpful! Thanks!

Bag of (visual) Words - Locate Object in Image

Hi everybody,

I was dealing with the Bag of (visual) Words (BOW) approach in OpenCV recently. I found some code in the Internet where you can predict by means of a trained Support Vector Machine if a certain object is present in the image or not.

My problem is now, that this BOW approach indeed to some extent accurately recognizes your object, but it doesn't tell you where the object is located in the image.

My goal is to put a bounding box around the detected object. Is there any way I can use the BOW approach and still locate that object?

Any help, suggestion or idea would be helpful! Thanks!