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Problem connecting multiple IP-Cameras C++


I am experiencing problems connecting to two IP-Cameras simultanously using VideoCapture object. For some time I am able to receive frames normally, but after some time (about few seconds), the camera was connected first, starts to return empty frames. Also this error message is displayed [mjpeg @ 0x7fe888008c00] overread 8. If I connect only one camera, then everything works fine.

My steps are as follows:

//Declare video capture objects for camera streams:

VideoCapture streamCam1; VideoCapture streamCam2;

// open camera streams for specified ip addre;;;

// loop for capturing frames from camera, and visualizing them while(((waitKey(1))&0xFF)!=27){ streamCam1>>image1; streamCam2>>image2; imshow("CAM1", image1); imshow("CAM2", image2); }

Thank You.