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the import cannot be resolved

I am attempting to get opencv for android/eclipse working for the first time. I am following this documentation. I have imported the library and samples into a new eclipse workspace. The OpenCVLibrary project appears to be built without error.

Now I'm trying to get OpenCV Sample - face-detection up and running, but am getting errors like

the import cannot be resolved

and the import org.opencv.core cannot be resolved

at the start of the java files.

I had noticed that in the properties of the library project, the "is library" check-box had not been ticked, so I ticked it and did a clean and rebuild. But this made no difference. Any idea what I've done wrong?

the import cannot be resolved

I am attempting to get opencv for android/eclipse working for the first time. I am following this documentation. I have imported the library and samples into a new eclipse workspace. The OpenCVLibrary project appears to be built without error.

Now I'm trying to get OpenCV Sample - face-detection up and running, but am getting errors like

the import cannot be resolved

and and

the import org.opencv.core cannot be resolved

at the start of the java files.

I had noticed that in the properties of the library project, the "is library" check-box had not been ticked, so I ticked it and did a clean and rebuild. But this made no difference. Any idea what I've done wrong?

the import cannot be resolved

I am attempting to get opencv for android/eclipse working for the first time. I am following this documentation. I have imported the library and samples into a new eclipse workspace. The OpenCVLibrary project appears to be built without error.

Now I'm trying to get OpenCV Sample - face-detection up and running, but am getting errors like

the import cannot be resolved


the import org.opencv.core cannot be resolved


at the start of the java files.

I had noticed that in the properties of the library project, the "is library" check-box had not been ticked, so I ticked it and did a clean and rebuild. But this made no difference. Any idea what I've done wrong?

the import cannot be resolved

I am attempting to get opencv for android/eclipse working for the first time. I am following this documentation. I have imported the library and samples into a new eclipse workspace. The OpenCVLibrary project appears to be built without error.

Now I'm trying to get OpenCV Sample - face-detection up and running, but am getting errors like

the import cannot be resolved


the import org.opencv.core cannot be resolved

at the start of the java files.

I had noticed that in the properties of the library project, the "is library" check-box had not been ticked, so I ticked it and did a clean and rebuild. But this made no difference. Any idea what I've done wrong?

Edit: I looked round the files within the library project trying to determine what the actual library file was. My guess was that it would appear within the bin directory (just like where apk files appear). In that directory I saw a file called "opencv library - @[email protected]", which I thought could be it. But when I looked at its properties I saw it was only 166 bytes long- presumably much too small. I could not figure out any other file within the project's directory tree which looked like it could be the actual opencv library.

click to hide/show revision 5

updated 2014-03-04 03:29:43 -0600

berak gravatar image

the import cannot be resolved

I am attempting to get opencv for android/eclipse working for the first time. I am following this documentation. I have imported the library and samples into a new eclipse workspace. The OpenCVLibrary project appears to be built without error.

Now I'm trying to get OpenCV Sample - face-detection up and running, but am getting errors like

the import cannot be resolved


the import org.opencv.core cannot be resolved

at the start of the java files.

I had noticed that in the properties of the library project, the "is library" check-box had not been ticked, so I ticked it and did a clean and rebuild. But this made no difference. Any idea what I've done wrong?

Edit: I looked round the files within the library project trying to determine what the actual library file was. My guess was that it would appear within the bin directory (just like where apk files appear). In that directory I saw a file called "opencv library - @[email protected]", which I thought could be it. But when I looked at its properties I saw it was only 166 bytes long- presumably much too small. I could not figure out any other file within the project's directory tree which looked like it could be the actual opencv library.