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how to provide training data for svm classifier?

I am opencv newbie , i am trying build a Sign language recognition system the training data for the svm has to be set of 2D points.

if I have converted a set of Hand-gestures to contours, and i want to use that as a training data for SVM ?

what is process of converting those contours into training data?

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updated 2014-01-25 06:03:06 -0600

berak gravatar image

how to provide training data for svm classifier?

I am opencv newbie , i am trying build a Sign language recognition system the training data for the svm has to be set of 2D points.

if I have converted a set of Hand-gestures to contours, and i want to use that as a training data for SVM ?

what is process of converting those contours into training data?