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hand detect -android

I want to detect hand by opencv in android. I just change the sample code(face detection)'s .xml which I download in link text. My question is which part need change about the code ? Who can give me some advice

hand detect -android

I want to detect hand by opencv in android. I just change the sample code(face detection)'s .xml lbpcascade_frontalface.xml which I download in link text. My question is which part need change about the code ? Who can give me some advice

hand detect -android

I want to detect hand by opencv in android. I just change the sample code(face detection)'s lbpcascade_frontalface.xml to haarcascade_hand.xml which I download in link text. My question is which part need change about the code ? Who can give me some advice

hand detect -android

I want to detect hand by opencv in android. I just change the sample code(face detection)'s lbpcascade_frontalface.xml to haarcascade_hand.xml which I download in link text. My question is which part the detect function need change about the code ? rewrite? Who can give me some advice