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Failing Building OpenCV from source for Python2.7


I tried to build OpenCV from source for Python2.7. I followed the instructions from the tutorial, but when I open the OpenCV.sln file as requested in step 14. with Visual Studio the "INSTALL" file needed at step 17. is missing. On my computer the Solution Explorer looks like this.

Solution Explorer

I never used Visual Studio before, so I am thankful for any help.

Failing Building OpenCV from source for Python2.7


I tried to build OpenCV from source for Python2.7. I followed the instructions from the tutorial, but when I open the OpenCV.sln file as requested in step 14. with Visual Studio the "INSTALL" file needed at step 17. is missing. On my computer the Solution Explorer looks like this.

Solution Explorer

I never used Visual Studio before, so I am thankful for any help.