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How to extract Vein Pattern from these images in Opencv?

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I want to extract the vein patterns from the attached images. I am trying to code to Vein pattern recognition system. I tried the Canny Edge Detector for getting the edges of the veins but somehow they are not very clear. Any improvisations or other techniques would be greatly appreciated. For information, I am trying to write a C++ Code in OpenCV on Ubuntu.

Source ROI Canny

How to extract Vein Pattern from these images in Opencv?

0 down vote favorite

I want to extract the vein patterns from the attached images. I am trying to code to Vein pattern recognition system. I tried the Canny Edge Detector for getting the edges of the veins but somehow they are not very clear. Any improvisations or other techniques would be greatly appreciated. For information, I am trying to write a C++ Code in OpenCV on Ubuntu.

Source ROI Canny