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Can I use OpenCV Android for commercial sales [2020]?

So I have an app built on traditional android, when I check the licensing for OpenCV it has:

OpenCV 4.5.0 and higher versions are licensed under the Apache 2 License.

Or if I use the older version its:

OpenCV 4.4.0 and lower versions, including OpenCV 3.x, OpenCV 2.x, and OpenCV 1.x, are licensed under the 3-clause BSD license.

My understanding is that I require a copy of the OpenCV licence with my source files (all good, definitely agree and understand it).

I found a few quite old posts though noting that you would need some other licences for certain things back in 2012 (FFMPEG, XML files, some algorithm), but I wonder whether these are no longer in use based on other information I've read on forums (FFMPEG is not on android? The algorithms no longer use the licenced version?). Does anyone know if openCV is allowed on a commercial product?

If it helps my code is essentially similar to the Android - Facial Detection sample from

I am not selling an app itself but a device which has an app, which one of the small things it does is check if a face exists.

Would love any advice/help. Thanks so much!