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Surface Matching never get any results with any data, why?


Im trying to get working the Surface Matching Sample code from surface_matching. Im able to compile the code then when run with

./surface_matching /home/surface_matching/coke.ply /home/surface_matching/01.ply

I got this Error

$ ./surface_matching /home/admini/surface_matching/coke.ply /home/admini/surface_matching/01.ply 
* Surface Matching demonstration : demonstrates the use of surface matching using point pair features.
* The sample loads a model and a scene, where the model lies in a different pose than the training.
* It then trains the model and searches for it in the input scene. The detected poses are further refined by ICP
* and printed to the  standard output.
Running on 64 bits
Running without OpenMP and without TBB

Training complete in 0.100169 sec
Loading model...

Starting matching...
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Training is complete and starts matching but then Segmentation fault. What can be the problem? Here the object model file: Can

Any help? Thanks