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cv::filter2D opencv 3.4.1 vs 4.2.0


I upgraded the opencv-version from 3.4.1 to 4.2.0, but the function cv::filter2D seems to be differnt now. I use Visual Studio 2019 64, OpenCV 4.2.0.

The kernel size is larger 11x11.

Is there a known problem or difference?

Best regards

cv::filter2D opencv 3.4.1 vs 4.2.0


I upgraded the opencv-version from 3.4.1 to 4.2.0, but the function cv::filter2D seems to be differnt now. I use Visual Studio 2019 64, OpenCV 4.2.0.

The kernel size is larger 11x11.

Is there a known problem or difference?

Best regards

cv::filter2D opencv 3.4.1 vs 4.2.0


I upgraded the opencv-version from 3.4.1 to 4.2.0, but the function cv::filter2D seems to be differnt different now. I use Visual Studio 2019 64, OpenCV 4.2.0.

The kernel size is larger 11x11.

Is there a known problem or difference?

Best regards