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camera pose estimation

I have used opencv to calibrate a stereo camera pair.

Using the determined Rotation matrix and Translation vector, I would like to be able to calculate the pose of the second(R) camera, given the pose of the first(L) camera.

I have a scene where I use solvePnP to calculate the pose of the Left camera, rvec and tvec. How can I determine the rvec and tvec of the Right camera?


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updated 2013-10-25 14:14:49 -0600

berak gravatar image

camera pose estimation

I have used opencv to calibrate a stereo camera pair.

Using the determined Rotation matrix and Translation vector, I would like to be able to calculate the pose of the second(R) camera, given the pose of the first(L) camera.

I have a scene where I use solvePnP to calculate the pose of the Left camera, rvec and tvec. How can I determine the rvec and tvec of the Right camera?
