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camera to detect small objects

Hi, I'm looking for an adequate camera for a project of mine. As I am not very experienced in this field I ask you for your help.

I want to recognize and analyze lego bricks which are transported on a flat conveyor individually (using OpenCV of course). Therefore the lego brick is supposed to be as recognizable and sharp as possible in a close up with a distance of 10-20 cm. Additionally the color should not get falsified, so it remains distinguishable (for support I will take care of ideal lighting conditions - if somebody has any hints on this I would be very grateful too).

My program is running on Linux. There the camera should work without great effort, ideally with Plug and Play. Using OpenCV and Linux makes the control of the focus problematic in most cases. Which is why a manual focus would be of advantage,

In short: Which camera with manual focus is advisable for close ups of small objects?

Thanks for your help!