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What does cmake/make do with Python folders designated during build

I'd like to get a better idea of what cmake is doing with the references to python folders that are passed when building OpenCV 4. Here's why I am asking:

Most people seem to use the stock python folders, but folder names could change when new python versions are introduced. Anaconda, for instance, uses "3.7" as a folder name under its main folder. If python is subsequently updated to 3.8, does the reference to 3.7 cause problems?

If the folder locations are just used for storing newly generated python library files, then perhaps those libraries could be copied to the new 3.8 folder, and remain functional (I'd like to avoid rebuilding OpenCV for every change and update).

Also: I saw an interesting article that used the location of an Anaconda virtual environment to build OpenCV. This is intriguing, since many are using python env's for development. Same question would apply: Does the OpenCV build then install generated python lib files into the env folder?

This problem has many facets (what happens if an env is deleted?). I thought a good starting point would be to determine exactly what Cmake/ OpenCV 4 is doing with the refs to the python folders.